Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday, Feb 29

These multi-flow maps were used in an Advaned Algebra class to help connect the relationships between matrices and transformations. The students were given the blank maps and filled them in as the unit progressed. This is an example of Thinking Maps being used as graphic organizers. The students reported they found it very helpful.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thurs, Feb 13

This tree map was included in a geometry unit designed to help students differentiate the notation and vocabulary of basic geometric structures. It was a topic the teacher felt the students had struggled with in the past that prevented them from doing more complex geometry. Before creating the tree map the students had created circle maps for each of the basic words (see the posting on Thur, Jan 24), and they defined them using NUA's defining format. Immediately before creating this tree map, the students did a List Group Label activity. Groups of 4 were given index cards with each of the phrases you see on the tree map mixed together in no particular order. They sorted the cards based on their own categories and then made the tree map based on their categories.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thurs, Feb 7

These flow maps were used as a review activity before the final assessment on techniques of integration. The day before the flow map assignment, the students worked in teams to solve as many integrals correctly as they could. When the final number of correct integrals were counted, however, an incorrect answer reset their total count to zero. Thus, they were encourgaed to be accurate as well as quick. As a follow up, I prompted students to think about how they started the process of evaluating an integral. Many students said they just think and wait for inspiration. The point of the flow map, of course, is that it encourages the students to think specifically about the process they used. Each group shared the flow maps, and it wasn't until all groups had shared that we actually had a complete flow map that did not omit any techniques. In other words, all of the flow maps were somewhat incomplete and it took the whole class to create a complete flow map.

Wed, Feb 6

At the beginning of the second semester I asked my calculus students to create a brigde map using the cover of their textbook as a reference. Bridge maps are used for analogies. I prompted them by asking them to think about why the publisher of the book chose the lighthouse and stormy sea picture for the book. I asked each student to create two bridge maps. For one of them, I gave them 2 parts: 1) lighthouse, 2) stormy sea. They had to come up with two analogous parts and the relating factor. For the second bridge map I asked them to come up with all of the parts, but it had be in the context of the book cover. The first student example to the right of the book cover above is read: A lighthouse illuminates stormy seas as calculus illuminates an otherwise challenging problem. The students enjoyed the challenge and it was a good way to discuss in very general terms what the purpose of calculus is. Some students were very poetic. Light only penetrates to certain depths of the ocean as calculus only penetrates to certain depths of creativity. However, I was hoping some students would express the purpose of calculus specifically as a way of thinking that involves lots of changing variables. Instead, most all of the bridge maps were about the utility of calculus for solving problems. The bridge map helped me learn that they view calculus as a problem solving tool but not really as a way of thinking that is worthwhile as a stand alone activity.